The one where I forgot to hit post
Whoops. I had this all written out yesterday, but something pulled my attention away and I never got around to pressing the "Publish" button. Oh well - it's up now. (Funny considering how I ended the post.)
I've been thinking about some of my habits and my identity recently, and how intertwined they are. My sense of who I am is pretty connected to what I do, and an awful lot of what I do is based on habit, routine. and coping mechanism instead of what I actually want to be doing. This is a public space so I'm not going to go into a ton of detail, but let's just say some of it is maladaptive.
Changing that, however, is going to require some introspection into the kind of person I want to be. (And, to an extent, the kind of person I can be given my health condition.) And since that's such an important and large task, I get overwhelmed thinking about it, and fall back into my habits, routines, and coping mechanisms...
Well. Part 1 is being someone who writes every day, and I do seem to have that going right now. We'll see if I can keep it up for the rest of the month.