I was going to get a bunch of stuff done yesterday, including writing here, but then Holly Monorail talked about a game called The Messenger, which it turned out I owned a copy
Well, I was going to spend all day today doing things that I wanted to do instead of a) working, b) doing things other people wanted me to do, or c) just browsing
Thank goodness, I've got a four-day weekend coming up with no obligations. Maybe soon I'll be able to do the things I want to do.
I have so many ideas, and I can
Well, I guess we'll see how much Focalin has been helping my ability to focus, because it's on back order and the pharmacy doesn't know when it'll be in, so I'm going to
One of the best pieces of advice I ever got from a manager was... "No one gives a fuck about your dreams." And even at that age — I was in my 30s, probably