On being cold

It's been snowing for about 30 hours here, although there hasn't really been much accumulation - maybe an inch total. But that tracks; it's still November, and winter in Michigan doesn't really get

Going home

It's pretty unusual, I think, that I can - if I want to - go back to the house I grew up in. But then, it's pretty unusual that I spent a substantial

I think I lost NaBloPoMo :(

Can I make up for missing yesterday by making two posts today? Yesterday wasn't really busy, but having stopped taking the Focalin (because I can't get any more at the moment), I'm realizing

Wow, did I get distracted

I was going to get a bunch of stuff done yesterday, including writing here, but then Holly Monorail talked about a game called The Messenger, which it turned out I owned a copy

The best part of waking up

Well, I was going to spend all day today doing things that I wanted to do instead of a) working, b) doing things other people wanted me to do, or c) just browsing