I have got to start going to the gym again

Seriously, it's been like two weeks. But - there's a post that goes around Tumblr sometimes about how making coffee has a variable amount of steps depending on how you're feeling that day, and the same thing is true of the gym.

On a good day, it's:

  • Get up
  • Get ready
  • Get a cup of coffee (optional)
  • Go to the gym

But on a lot of days, it's:

  • Wake up when my alarm goes off
  • Get out of bed
  • Go to the bathroom
  • Put on the clothes I'm going to wear TO the gym
    • Put on pants
    • Put on shirt
    • Put on socks
  • Put clean clothes in my gym bag
    • Pick out clean pants
    • Put clean pants in bag
    • Pick out clean shirt
    • Put clean shirt in bag
    • Pick out clean underwear
    • Put clean underwear in bag
    • Pick out clean socks
    • Put clean socks in bag
  • Find my keys
  • Choose a coat
  • Put on my coat
  • Put on my shoes
  • Go out to the car
  • Start the car
  • Navigate to the gym
  • Walk to the gym
  • Check in
  • etc.

And all those steps just feel insurmountable some days, especially when I can spend that hour waking up and getting ready and maybe start my work day a little early so I can stop early.

Sometimes I can remind myself to prepare the night before, so when I wake up I've already done a bunch of those steps, but remembering to do that... it's the eternal struggle, right?