Noëlle Anthony


or, How I Learned To Stop Worrying And Love The Bomb For a while I was convinced that I'd stopped writing fanfiction. Not out of any particular shame imperative; I like fanfiction, and

I have got to start going to the gym again

Seriously, it's been like two weeks. But - there's a post that goes around Tumblr sometimes about how making coffee has a variable amount of steps depending on how you're feeling that day,

Today I did nothing productive

...and it was great. I didn't put any expectations on myself other than "go visit family and then play in an online tabletop RPG", and so I got to actually relax. I slept

Rethinking "perfect or worthless"

It's a false dichotomy that a lot of us fall prey to. If something isn't perfect - if it doesn't solve every need and meet every goal - then we shouldn't bother with

...and then some

I guess I am doing this going forward. My therapist loves the idea of me continuing to write something here every day, no matter how much it is or how good it is,