Noëlle Anthony

But what do I want?

I've had a lot of cause lately to think about what I really want to be doing. In a few weeks, my job position is changing (although my job title isn't; it's kind

Some idle thoughts

I'm trying to get out of the house every day, even on days like today when it's dreary and chilly (I say that, but it's in the mid-60s, which is warmer than the

Thinking about gratitude

I've been listening to a self-help audiobook recently (Michael Hyatt's Your Best Year Ever), and in the last segment I listened to while I was driving around yesterday - I mostly listen when

Out of sight, out of mind

A couple of months ago I razed my bookmarks and browser history. I left myself with fewer than ten bookmarks - the ones I thought I was most likely to want to visit

On the trees and the forest

or, why I don't enjoy things anymore. I have always been a generalist - I find nearly everything interesting, and know bits and pieces about a lot of subjects - but even when