Noëlle Anthony

Two steps forward, one step ow

A couple years ago, the night before Labor Day (the US one, in September), I was up late after an online RPG session and was getting ice from the freezer to refill my

I have no idea what I enjoy.

I get interested in things. I get engrossed in things, sometimes. But it's all so fleeting – what I'm interested in today typically isn't what I was interested in two weeks ago – and I


Today has been an unexpectedly distracting day, and I only just remembered, as I was going to bed twenty minutes before midnight, that I'd forgotten to write a blog post. I'd write these

How does one chauce, anyway?

I'm writing this early in the day on a Saturday, so that I don't have time to get distracted or burn out my writing circuits before it's time to write a blog post.

No words

For the last few days I've had no idea what to say here. I think I've said that before. I was thinking about that yesterday, and it occurred to me that this week,